IBM AS400 AllOther Interview Questions
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What is the use of Header Specification in RPG/400?

1 1419

When will DUMP and DEBUG opcodes be ignored?

1 1883

Specify different indicators used in RPG?

1 1264

What are Control level indicators?

1 1332

What is the use of E specification in RPG?

1 1384

What is the use of L specs in RPG?

1 1572

What is the maximum number of elements in an array?

1 1276

How can we sort an array?

1 1309

How can the user implicitly open and close the files in RPG program ?

2 1621

268 How many parameters can be defined in a RPG program. ?

1 1252

What is the maximum number of times Multiple Occurrences DS can occur in a program?

1 1361

What are all the compiler directive statements?

1 1320

What is SAA?

1 1199

What is the Function of PDM?

1 1226

What is the function of SEU ?

1 1210

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Un-Answered Questions { IBM AS400 AllOther }

which cl command is used to trap error messages during program execution?


what is the function of rlu ?


what is the sequence when using cursor?


. How to know why the OPM job is in MSGWAIT state?..WHAT COULD BE THE REASON FOR it?


Hi,Please give me the the answer for these quesitons? 1.what is IFS and ICF and RAPE amd DISKET fils? explain with example please? 2.What is the difference between POST AND SPACE OPCODES? 3.Can anybody tell me default printerfile command and object type?


What are the mandatory keywords of sub file?


What Is Ddm ?


Explain this error: "all record formats for externally-described file abcd ignored or dropped due to error; file ignored."?


what is the purpose of ovrdta and ovrata keywords ?


what is the use of sflend keyword?


which type of object is used in db2/400?


can we define multi-dimensional arrays in rpg ?


what are the different types of variables available in cl?


What is the difference between iter and do? We know both are used to execute set of statements repeatedly, but what is the main difference?


which indicator is used for read?