IBM AS400 AllOther Interview Questions
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How do you set the keywords SFLSIZ and SFLPAG if you want the subfile to dynamically expand?

1 1281

Show 2 ways to convert a date from YYMMDD to MMDDYY (MULT operation not acceptable)

1 1174

Determine the value of the result field a. Cost = $110. 00 b. Tax = 20% c. MarkUp= 05% d. Sale = 10%

1 960

Define the purpose of Factor 1 the Operation Code and *IN15 in following code HI LO EQ C *YMD Test(D) yymmddDate 15

1 998

Describe the function of SETLL operation in RPG language?

1 1085

Describe the function of SETGT operation in RPG language?

1 1003

What is the purpose of Level Check parameter in a Physical file?

1 1111

Define a Job Queue?

1 1047

Define a Batch Job?

1 1087

Describe about Query/400?

1 1170

List and explain the different type of data structures?

1 885

What is the difference between access path and Dynamic select?

1 1073

Why would you prefer OPNQRYF than logical file?

1 994

What the purpose of the keywords FIFO, LIFO, FCFO?

1 1141

What is the difference between regular logical file and join logical file?

1 1075

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Un-Answered Questions { IBM AS400 AllOther }

maximum number of subfiles that can be active for a single file is?


can a join logical file be updated?


what does dfu program you to do on a record?


What is RETURN CURSER LOCATION in subfile?


how can I control the way a remote browser uses its cache?


In AS/400 projects in Companies whats the meaning of production support team.what production support involves.also what work does development,maintenance involve what are the other teams or processes that are available for as400 project.


define the purpose of the leave operation?


what does check opcode do ?


what is scan and xlate?


what does defn do?


What Is The Object Type Of Pf, Lf, Printer File & Display File?


which are control break logic indicators?


what is the clp command to access a query/400?


difference between sflrcdnbr and sflnxtchg?


how would you design the process for a nightly, high volume check producing process that needs to select only records that are flagged to be processed?