Shell Script Interview Questions
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what are bootlevel in linux?which level is booting by default.


5 6743

How to rename all the files in a folder having specific extension? Example: I have some files with extension (.txt) in a folder name 'Test'. I have to rename all the .txt files in a test and its subdirectories to .my extension.

Interra IT,

15 20070

What is the command for " how many shell is running in your system or how many shell supported by your system " ?.

3 5225

The information of the two files should be redirect to Third file in such a way that, the third file contain the information like this. 1st line in third file should be from 1st file 2nd line in Third file should be from 2nd file 3rd line in Third file should be from 1st file 4th line in Third file should be from 2nd file - - so on


2 4586

A file has multiple records each having three 30-bit long fields(field1,field2,field3).There is also a lookup file,LOOK_UP.dat.Now, we need to consider only the last ten digits of field1 and lookup the file LOOK_UP.dat. If there a match then field2 and field3 should replaced with corresponding data from the lookup file. otherwise that particular record,for which there is no match, should be stored in a seperate file.


2 3839

There are three departments A,B and C.Write a query to display the names of all the persons( in departments other than A) who are paid higher than the person receiving the lowest salary in DEPT A


1 3589

There is a record with fields namely name,roll no.,salary,grade etc.Now,write a script to create a file with multiple records have same combination of fields but with unique roll numbers.The script should work for different names in the input file.


1 4985

why did you apply to shell


3 8232

how can you execute the shell scripts?

4 6326

how do you write sql queries using shell script for eg:- we have databae table like EMPNO,ENAME,SAL,DEPTNO columns in EMP table how you display EMPNO,SAL FIELDS from emp in SHELL SCRIPT please explain with an example

4 23360

what is the meaning of First line of shell script ,what is meaning of #! pleas explain brifly

4 15128

how to read systems current date and time

4 5028

is there any command to find user password?

4 6452

how to read systems current date and time

4 7263

write a shell script that counts a number of unique word contained in the file and print them in alphabetical order line by line?

IBM, Wipro,

6 15591

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Un-Answered Questions { Shell Script }

What is the best shell scripting language?


What does sh mean?


Is cmd a shell?


What can you do with powershell?


What are the different commands available to check the disk usage?


Explain about echo command?


Write down the syntax for all the loops in shell scripting.


Is shell scripting useful?


What is shell prompt?


What are scripts in psychology?


What are the various stages of a linux process it passes through?


How do I run a .sh file on mac?


Why do we use shell scripting?


What are zombie processes?


Calculate a real number calculation directly from the terminal and not any shell script.