RPG400 Interview Questions
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Can AnyOne tell me how to read join logical file in rpg from starting to end?

2 4103

suppose we have 10 members in physical file and i have to use 4 out of 10 so how can we read this in RPG


3 4985

Suppose we have 10 records with same name and we are reading using READE,after 4 record i have to use CHAIN what is the output

3 4186

How can we change element of compile time array?Can we do so


1 3321

Suppose in CL we reach at end of file and again we have to reach from 1 record


3 5125

Difference between RESET and CLEAR


1 7831

How can we call CL program to RPG? How many number of parameter we can pass


2 4759

Suppose we have one database file and it is used by 5 programs and in 3 program we have to add some records in datbase file s what is the impact on other program?


How can you delete a record from a file in RPG without using DELETE oppcode?


2 5338

Why there is invention of RPG if we can do insert update delete in CL through SQL.Why the rise of RPG?


1 3567

we are sending data of physical file to screen design and it is showing no record why?

NTT Data,

1 4517

suppose there are 100 records and i want to read records between 60-70 how we can read this 10 records in rpg


2 5689

How to sort an array in descending in RPG

Google, TCS,

3 13988

i have 6 char field in program, but this field is using in all files i want to chage field size as 10 char , how can i do this except using *like defn...?


1 3902

Set on command is used for closed all opened files , initialize var and release resource , return cmd is used for return to calling program but my req. Is dnt close opened files and resource must released while doing transactions , how can i do this...?


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Un-Answered Questions { RPG400 }

How would display prime numbers using CL program?


Please tell me how to read the records from a file with load an array of size with error conditions(The logic answer for this question is ARR is array of 99 elements Z-ADD 0 IDX *LOVAL SETLL FILE READ FILE 99 *IN99 DOWEQ *OFF IDX ANDLT 99 ADD 1 IDX MOVE FIELD ARR,IDX READ FILE 99 ENDDO).So,Please give me the complete of this code.


how can I tell when to replace the array?


what do you mean by an input subfile, what are the keywords required?


How to call one program from another program in RPG? please help me with the code


what is the necessary keyword needed to scroll subfile records?


How many program bind in one module....


1. If there are two programs using same file and 2 users are using the file at the same time and what can be done to allow them both to access? 2. How can remove lock from the file for accessing it by both users?


during execution, an rpg/400 program automatically follows a sequence of operations for each record that is processed. The built-in program cycle includes the following logical steps.


What is the difference between copybooks and subprocedures in as400?


can you debug ile rpg program using isdb?


write an RPG program to calculate the marks of 5 students (A,B, C, D, E)in 3 different subjects (eng, math, sci) an display on the screen


Set on command is used for closed all opened files , initialize var and release resource , return cmd is used for return to calling program but my req. Is dnt close opened files and resource must released while doing transactions , how can i do this...?


Suppose we have one database file and it is used by 5 programs and in 3 program we have to add some records in datbase file s what is the impact on other program?


How Chain operation copies the record's data to the input buffer for the program?