What is reorg?
ther r 2 tables OTTABLE & SALTABLE, add the otamt from OTTABLE to empsal of SALTABLE if eid is matched else add the unmatched from OTTABLE to SALTABLE
How to restart a DB2 program?
How to check table size in db2 sap?
What is the difference between cursor and select statement?
Define data page.
How do you concatenate the firstname and lastname from emp table to give a complete name?
Explain how can you do the explain of a dynamic sql statement?
How to compare data between two tables in db2?
What is meant by union and union all?
How to run db2 command in windows?
can any one provide me the link for the db2 v7 & db2 v8 manual for Z/os? i need to know about the syntax of REORG in both versions & need to know the difference as well
DB2 can implement a join in three ways using a merge join, a nested join or a hybrid join. Explain the differences?
What is bufferpool in db2?
What are the various data types available in db2?