Whenever a cics program goes through a compilation process, there is always some extra code that is added to the program. Where exactly does this new piece of code go to and what is it termed as ?
How can you access qsam (seq) files from cics?
What is an mdt (modified data tag)?
Highlight the difference between a symbolic map and physical map?
what are the differences between and exec cics xctl and an exec cics link command?
What is the comaera?
What is CICS ?
Define RCT.
What are the cics commands associated with task control?
Define transient data?
the dfhcommara is used to pass information from one application to another. What are some other ways that this function can be accomplished?
Can you define bms?
How is Telon(CA-Telon) used to build map?
when a task suspends all the handle conditions via the push command, how does the task reactivate all the handle conditions?
what is the most common way of building queue-id of a tsq?