Teradata Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Can we load a Multi set table using MLOAD?

2 11307

What is the process to restart the multiload if it fails?

7 52044

What is use of compress in terdata?Explain?

11 32265

Why Fload doesn’t support multiset table?

9 26633

Why AMP & PE are called Vprocs?

4 15053

Explain about Skew Factor?


6 50708

How a Referential integrity is handled in Teradata?

5 21857

What is FILLER command in Teradata?


9 28982

what is the difference between bpo and call centre?

American Solutions,

2 5092

Can any one plz provide the teradata interview questions?

10 14270

Diff b/w v2r5 and v2r6 ?


3 10465

How to find No. of Records present in Each AMP or a Node for a given Table through SQL?


2 14394

Why MultiLoad Utility supports only Non Unique Secondary Index(NUSI) in the Target Table ?


9 36079

How to Skip or Get first and Last Record from Flat File through MultiLoad and TPUMP Utility?

Comsys, IBM,

4 24921

Write a single SQL to delete duplicate records from the a single table based on a column value. I need only Unique records at the end of the Query.

13 55627

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Un-Answered Questions { Teradata }

Explain the advantages of partitioned primary index in a query?


Hi Friends, Please send me Teradata Materials for certifications Thanks in advance !!


Explain the teradata primary index mechanics in detail with a diagram.


Explain and compare pros and cons of snow flake schemas?


Explain the term 'primary key' related to relational database management system?


i learn teradata,it is so intersting,now i want teradata certifications ,so any 1 help me to get teradata certifications TD 12 ? email:kdcrazyy@gmail.com


Backup Script was blocked you are unable to archive the data now. how do you analyze it and where do you identify ?


what are the day to day activities of teradata DBA ?


What are the different table types that are supported by teradata?


What are the joins in teradata?


What are types of partition primary index (ppi) in teradata?


Hi, If anyone has TD 14 Basics dumps or study materials, please share. nirmaaal1991@gmail.com


In a table can we use primary key in one column and in another column both unique and not null constrains.if yes how?


how do you manage the production space. what are the proactive methods you can take ?


What are the available join types in teradata?