HTML DHTML Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

How do I get my visitor's e-mail addresses?

1 3315

How do I do a pagebreak?

1 3255

How do I make a table which looks good on AOL and Prodigy?

1 3052

How do I center a table?

2 3060

Is there a way to get indexed better by the search engines?

1 2560

How do I redirect someone to my new page?

1 3176

How do I get a back button on my page?

1 2843

How do I force a download?

1 3011

Why is my binary file not downloaded, but shown on the screen?

1 3092

How do I use an image instead of the standard submit button?

1 2976

How do I get a so-and-so character in my HTML?

1 2707

How do I get a counter?

1 2879

How do I detect what browser is being used?

2 3719

I want to get an audio file to play automatically when someone visits my site!

1 3162

Should I put quotes around attribute values or not?

1 3871

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Un-Answered Questions { HTML DHTML }

How many types of list tag are using in html?


What is hr in html?


How long does it take to learn html?


What is difference between html and dhtml?


What are the new APIs provided by the HTML 5 standard?


What are keyword tags?


What are attributes and how do you use them?


If the user's operating system does not support the needed character, how can the symbol be represented?


Is br a container tag?


How to create nested web page in html?


What is inner text?


How can you make a bulleted list in html?


How to you set the background image of the page using HTML?


What is meta short for?


What is iswebpage?