ASP Interview Questions
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difference between POST & GET methods?

1 3801

What is the command to display characters to the HTML page?

1 3676

What is a variable?

1 2897

What are LOCAL and GLOBAL variables?

1 3319

what are Naming constraints for a variable in ASP?

1 2995

What is the Order of precedence for LOGICAL Operators in ASP?

1 3133

What is Response Object?

2 6116

How will you set the values for cookies?

1 3261

What is the function of Buffer in Response Object?

1 3333

What are the methods by which output stream is controlled?

1 3072

What are the properties used to control the expiration of the page?

1 3442

What are the methods in Application Object?

2 3454

What are the event handlers of Application Object?

1 3516

What is Session Object?

2 3784

What is a session?

3 4043

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Un-Answered Questions { ASP }

What is the Difference B/W Onclick() and Oncommand() in ASP.Net? If Possible Explain with Realtime Example?


Define collection?


Juxtapose the HTTP verbs GET and POST. What is HEAD?


What is the difference between post and get method.


Hii if you not select open item Management in GL Creation. What is the impact in transaction


Write a program in ASP that connect with "Employee" Database and Select all records from "Emp" table and shown in tabular form.


Where we get good training and LABS facility In courses in Hyderabad, I completed the classes in Peers even though im sure in good practice to get right position in jobs please help me who no well in this field?


How can we do validation of the fields in a project?


How can I break Search


What are the stored procedure and why they are needed?


What is the difference between asp and acp?


What is querystring collection in asp?


What is the work of asp?


How to convert a string into an integer in .net?


Explain how can you overload a method?