PHP Interview Questions
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when we use ob_start() function in php then the header() and session_start() does not gives the error like header already sent,please explain in brief

2 11445

why header() gives the error like header already sent in php please explain in brief


1 3267

what is mean php ? is it designingtool or language? how ill create website using by php?

1 2603

What IS PHP?


3 5209

how many types of inheritance is there in php? name there?

10 19432

which function used to get the number of days between two given dates in php

1 3814

what is pear in php in brief ?

1 2774

how long a default session stay in php?

8 7396

where to change in php.ini file for file uploading?

1 3524

how many error types in php? name there?

5 12894

describe arguments in header in php?

1 3754

difference of move(), and copy() function in php?

3 7576

explain in brief type juggling in php?

1 3494

which function used to get the file name in php?

5 6713

How can we find the number of rows in a result set using PHP?

2 4009

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Un-Answered Questions { PHP }

> symbol is used to redirect the output of a command. State Whether True or False?


Is empty in php?


How to send a cookie to the browser?


Tell me how to strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string?


What is super () python?


Explain what is the main difference between require() and require_once()?


What is htaccess in php?


What is different types of visibility?


Is php a dying language?


What is htaccess? Why do we use this and where?


What is the use of extract function in php?


How can you create a session in php?


How to Pass JSON Data in a URL using CURL in PHP?


What is difference between count or sizeof function in php?


What is the use of addslashes in php?