Programming Languages AllOther Interview Questions
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What is Negative testing?


What are two of your strengths that you will bring to our QA/testing team?


what is throws keyword


1 2996

Difference between interface and abstract class?

Cognizant, CTC,

2 5034

WAP to print all prime nos between 1 to 100 without using user input...pls reply within few hours...

1 1843

Explain the difference between an expert and a novice user. How would your strategy for designing user interfaces for an expert user differ from that for designing user interfaces for a novice user.


How can successful and thorough systems planning, analysis, and design be ruined by poor systems construction and implementation? How can poor systems analysis or design ruin a smooth construction and implementation? For both questions, list some consequences

1 5694

Compare any 4 software development life cycle paradigms with each other. Indicate at least one application for each of the paradigms that are suitable to developed using that paradigm.


Describe the following: (i) DNS (ii) Name Resolution (iii) Subnet Masking (iv) Urgent Pointer

1 3784

How does the TCP handle the issue of multiplexing?


technical interview questions and process



Which of the following are Java modifiers?


what is an INI file?

EID Parry,


why we use new keyword for object


4 4524

what is the BAM? where we can use it in BizTalk server?


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Un-Answered Questions { Programming Languages AllOther }

if 2 is passed as an argument to the method,void GC.Collect then what would be the result?


Explain polymorphism. Provide an example.


5. How do you round the addition or subtraction of two numbers in assembler?


Code for display the images from drive using vb 6.0?


Explain the types of operations? Draw the figure for shift and rotate operations?


what are all the ant command options


What is SAP TAO? · Which Version you are using? · What is the Latest Version in SAP TAO? · What are the Advantages in SAP TAO? · What are the Patches required for SAP TAO? · What is BPT? · Difference between BPT & SAP TAO? · Which Framework using for SAP TAO? · What is CBASE? · What is the SAP TAO Architecture? · What are the Prerequisites for SAP TAO? · SAP Solution Manager Mandatory for SAP TAO 1.0? · SAP Solution Manager Mandatory for SAP TAO 2.X? · What is UI Scanner? · What is Inspector? · How many ways to Create a components using TAO 1.0? · How many ways to Create a components using TAO 2.x? · Which service pack required for SAP TAO 2.7? · What is Import/Export? · What is Consolidate?


hi..this is kartheek..complted mca in 2009..but i dont have knowledge in programing..but to learn new language.. which one is suitable for me?is SAP or IBM mainframes is suitable for me..?if it suits how much will it costs..?pls answer...


Given an array all of whose elements are positive numbers, find the maximum sum of a subsequence with the constraint that no 2 numbers in the sequence should be adjacent in the array. So 3 2 7 10 should return 13 (sum of 3 and 10) or 3 2 5 10 7 should return 15 (sum of 3, 5 and 7)


Q2. A memory location has physical address D5687h. Compute: a. The offset address if the segment number is D445h. b. The segment number if the offset address is B577h.


details description on this mantis? who is founder of this mantis?


Iam using Microsoft Visual Studio to create a system for mobile store I want to know how to calculate mobile price that the customer buy and how to reduce quantity from the data base that we have for mobile .And also how to calculate revnue for each mobile and revnue for the total mobile


In an customer exit (include Z) program, only the last record is getting fetched. The exit is getting called after pressing save button. What to write for fetching the first record ? Before saved to a SAP table how can i call all these records in an itab in the exit ?


design a counter with the following repeated binary sequence: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 using JK Flip Flop.


how can i split string in a textbox in windows appication using