Programming Languages AllOther Interview Questions
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< DL Compact > tag is used for


How many types of list exist in the HTML

2 4601

An image map is a collection of


1 2126

HTML is a subset of

8 32069

Which tag is used to break a line

3 3875

< No Frames > tag is used for


Which tag is used to create the frame

1 3066

Ordered List tag is

1 3037

Which tag is used to create table row

2 3441

what diffrence between procedure and function?

3 4137

I would like to know which institute in hyderabad provides best ms-dot net training along with a project. I want to join immediately. please help

2 3561

hi This is radhika.Can anyone help me to know the question papers of NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE for the post of scientific officer/engineer? if anyone know plz tell me question paper pattern


what do you man by firmware

4 7503

how can we implement locks in plsql?


What is nocopy in plsql?

IBA Health,

1 5552

Post New Programming Languages AllOther Questions

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3 members in a we read 3 members without using ovrdbf.using rg pgms....


Q2. A memory location has physical address D5687h. Compute: a. The offset address if the segment number is D445h. b. The segment number if the offset address is B577h.


Explain the types of operations? Draw the figure for shift and rotate operations?


Iam using Microsoft Visual Studio to create a system for mobile store I want to know how to calculate mobile price that the customer buy and how to reduce quantity from the data base that we have for mobile .And also how to calculate revnue for each mobile and revnue for the total mobile


how to convert hashmap to arraylist with iteration


Which language they use during interview?


hi viewers, tell me,what is scripting and programming, define and difference...pls


any drawback are there in mantis?


write algo for cobol program whichuse three flat file to extract some specific information 8 marks mainframe


Given an array of size n. It contains numbers in the range 1 to n. Find the numbers which aren?t present.


Mainly Related to Oracle, DBMS , Oracle Stored Procedures, Functions, Oracle 9i Architecture, Redo logs..., Views,


Given a set. Write the pseudo code to get all the subsets for the given set. Eg. Input : {1,2} Output : (),(1),(2),(1,2)


Is anyone has done the ASP.NET MVC4 workshop course(2 days) from Peers Technologies. Let me know. I need to talk before joining ASP.NET MVC4 training at peers, Hyderabad.


Tips for blog integration by Can Any body suggest me to how to make wonderful questions on web integration..


How to know we are in home page of a web application using QTP