Accounting AllOther Interview Questions
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Un-Answered Questions { Accounting AllOther }

Name the Accounting Concepts


What is wealth maximisation


how there prepare bank interview


closing stock at the end is comprised of %a purchase price of $60000,10% discount and 15% import duty.The stock can be sold for $70000 after incurring costs of $1950.Included in the purchase price is abnormal wastage of $2000.Transportation costs are $1000 and storage costs are $500,what is the value of the closing stock?


Explain the word Liquidation


Raju put labour charges bill for Rs 65000/- You are directed to deduct 5% security deposit and 1.15% TDS from the bill. Pass journal entry for it


i have one question.when using fbra for reset clearing,message exchange rate different was posted and i have do reversalon the same time using fb08 but unfortunately i' m not authorize to use this collegue only how should i do.please advise


what is exercise duty how to calculate that and how to update in tally


hi, what type of questions are asked in capital iq interview .plz let me know. thanks... venkat...


Suppose My received Interest Income is 24934.59 And for the same time my Bank Charge total is 7785.19. Now the total Bank Charge will be deducted from Interest Income and the amount of (24934.59-7785.19)=17149.40 will be withdrawn to deposit in govt. Account.What will be the Journal Entry for 17149.40. Here, Already Bank Charge 7785.40 is Already Debited and 24934.59 is already credited in Journal.


In sales what rule applicable


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what are the differences between Tally and Focus?




Why we reconcile our debtors? what steps we taken during reconciliation.