C Interview Questions
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Write a program that can show the multiplication table.



Write a program that will read the input of any number of digits n in a row of shafh showing the breakdown of the printing and printing figures by the recursive function.


Write a program that an operator and two operands read from input operand operator on the implementation and results display.


A program to allow an input operand and operator from the operator and read on the display and output operand.


int j =15,i; for (i=1; 1<5; ++i) {printf ("%d%d ",j,i); j = j-3; }

2 2852

Function shall sum members of given one-dimensional array. However, it should sum only members whose number of ones in the binary representation is higher than defined threshold (e.g. if the threshold is 4, number 255 will be counted and 15 will not) - The array length is arbitrary - output the results to the stdout



int i=~0; uint j=(uint)i; j++; printf(“%d”,j);

1 3755

what is output? main() { #define SQR(x) x++ * ++x int i = 3; printf(" %d %d ",SQR(i),i * SQR(i)); } a)9 27 b)35 60 c)20 60 d)15 175


5 5756

print the table 5 in loops

3 3403

how to print 212 as Twohundreds twelve plz provide me ans soon

1 4190

int i=0,j; j=++i + ++i ++i; printf(" %d",j);


2 3460

#include #include void main() { clrscr(); int a=0,b=0,c=0; printf("enter value of a,b"); scanf(" %d %d",a,b); c=a+b; printf("sum is %d",c); getch(); }

2 3552

#include int main() { if ("X" <"x") printf("X smaller than x "); } my question is whats the mistake in this program? find it and please tell me..

3 4118

int main() { int days; printf("enter days you are late"); scanf("%d",days); if (days<=5) printf("5o paisa fine"); if (days<=10&&days>=6) printf("1rs fine"); if(days>10) printf("10 rs fine"); if(days=30) printf("membership cancelled"); return 0; } tell me whats wrong in this program? is it right?

2 2509

#include void main() { int i=-1,j=1,k,l; k=!i&&j; l=!i||j; printf ("%d%d",k,l) ; }


3 4318

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show how link list can be used to repersent the following polynomial i) 5x+2


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Write a C program linear.c that creates a sequence of processes with a given length. By sequence it is meant that each created process has exactly one child. Let's look at some example outputs for the program. Here the entire process sequence consists of process 18181: Sara@dell:~/OSSS$ ./linear 1 Creating process sequence of length 1. 18181 begins the sequence. An example for a sequence of length three: Sara@dell:~/OSSS$ ./linear 3 Creating process sequence of length 3. 18233 begins the sequence. 18234 is child of 18233 18235 is child of 18234 ........ this is coad .... BUt i could not compleate it .....:( #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int N; pid_t pid; int cont; if (argc != 2) { printf("Wrong number of command-line parameters!\n"); return 1; } N = atoi(argv[1]); printf("Creating process sequence of length %d.\n",N); printf("%d begins the sequence.\n",getpid()); /* What I have to do next ?????? */ }


What is the purpose of sprintf() function?


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find the value of y y = 1.5x+3 for x<=2 y = 2x+5 for x>2


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