Government Interview Questions
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. Buddhism was divided into two sects namely Mahayana and Hinayana during the reign of (1) The Sungas (2) The Kanvas (3) Harshavardhana (4) Kanishka


1 9338

. Buddha and Mahavira borrowed their ideas for their new religions from (1) Rigveda (2) Puranas (3) Upanishads (4) None

2 3051

. The Nagarjunakonda Inscription provides us sufficient information about (1) Buddhism (2) Jainsim (3) Brahaminism (4) All the above

1 2966

. Who succeeded Ashoka after his death? (1) Sampadi (2) Mahendra (3) Jalanka (4) Kunala

2 4018

. Alexander had to fight the most important battle on the Indian soil at (1) Tallikota (2) Tarain (3) Panipat (4) Taxila

TNPSC Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission,

3 4135

. The last ruler of the Nanda dynasty from whom Chandra Gupta Maurya took over the throne was (1) Mahapadma Nand (2) Dhana Nand (3) Dhruwa Nand (4) Naga Nand

2 7738

. Prajana paramita sura sastra was written –by (1) Asvaghosha (2) Charak (3) Nagarjuna (4) Vasumitra

1 3024

. Nalanda University was center of learning when India was visited by (1) Fahien (2) Seleucas (3) Hieuntsang (4) None

2 3701

. The kingdom of Thaneswar was founded by (1) Harsha (2) Pushyabhuti (3) Rajya Vardhana (4) Yashodharman

1 3971

. From Yuan Chwang account we gather that Harsha had diplomatic relations with (1) Sri Lanka (2) Burma (3) Rome (4) China

1 2298

. Prithvi Raj, the Rajput ruler of Delhi belonged to the dynast of (1) Chathans (2) Chandelas (3) Tomar (4) Pandyas

1 2942

. The Pandya kingdom was known all over the world for its (1) Pearls (2) Leather goods (3) Silk (4) Spices

1 5474

. The Shiva temple at Tanjore was built by Rajraja, the Great, who was a (1) Pallava ruler (2) Chola ruler (3) Chalukya ruler (4) Rastrakuta ruler

1 4946

. The Rajputs were defeated against Muslims because (1) The Muslim invaders had superior arms (2) The Muslim invaders were in greater numbers (3) The Rajputs were divided among themselves (4) The Rajputs were not as brave as the Muslim invaders were

16 26528

. The Kailash temple at Kanchi was built by ……. Pallavan ruler (1) Narsingh Varman (2) Nandi Varman (3) Aparajita (4) Mahandra Varman

4 9416

Un-Answered Questions { Government }

Hi ! friends I m Krishnendu.Anybody who does not belong to KOLKATA and posted to KOLKATA or WESTBENGAL as AUDITOR in GEN category and want to be mutually transferred from KOLKATA to PUNE may contact me on 9830822086. Thanks


what is contingent liability?


DAO previous question papers


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sir, iam sampath i want the syllabus & model papers of locopilot exam for diploma in mechanical. when the hall tickets will be provided, if we donot get whom we have to contact.please mail me to . thaking you sampath.n


what is your view about divorce


Hi Friends, Can anyone tell me regarding written test of KAS exam? Ambiguity for me in this case is, do we need to write answers of 3 or 4 pages ? And can any one tell me what kinds of questions(few examples) we will get for general exams??


hi iam sirisha i want druginspector model questionpapapers,so plse send me, my mailadress


what your view about-live in relationship ??


Why you have chosen an outdoor game rather than an indoor game


hi..i got selected for postal assistant..would i get a call letter for certificate verification or should i directly approach the regional head office with certificates?


Hi, myself Garima,i have been shortlisted for the OBC PO interview,how to prepare for it ,if someone has cleared any such interview kindly share your experiences and give useful suggestions...............


what do you like most about your school


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