Government Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Define about Plebiscite

2 4430

What is direct election means

4 5603

What is Franchise means

1 5882

Define about Joint electorate system

3 12389

Public opinion means

3 4768

What is Freedom of Press

2 4638

How the importance of press has increased in recent years

2 6820

In India freedom of press is

2 4198

Which type of party system is implied in India

2 4647

Define socialism

7 8229

What is main objective of Socialism

7 15636

To which socialism stands for

1 3932

Socialism is like a hat that has lost its shape because everybody wears it, who said it

5 17346

From which term the word socialism was derived

4 5980

By whom the book ?Poverty of Philosophy was written

3 4557

Un-Answered Questions { Government }

sir i applied for loco pilot, goods guard, assistant station master and electrical section engineer posts.can you sent me the old question papers and syllabus of the examination to the email


what your view about-women liberalization ??


is tin no verification is mandetory for the supplier before issueing invoice


skill test is qualifying type. if the speed is not little less than 8000 depression per hour, can I qualify?


Im gonna prepare fr TNPSC group 1 exam.I saw in the information brochure tat the syllabi fr the exam is available in TNPSC bulletin page no 490 nu bt i couldn find in their official site can u ppl pls suggest related dis?


Hi friends Can I know books for Group-1 mains Exam ? Pls suggest.


Has anyone any idea about when will be the UCO Bank PROBATIONARY OFFICERS (PO) interview when exam help ON 30 Jan 2011. anyone got call letters or email ?


Hi Everybody.Im having Glasses because of sight.I want to apply for Group-I exams.Any body can you tell me plz Is dere any chance to apply


hi, i am ashok from ap state .i applied for posta assistants 2010. i have 97.4%in inter and can iget hal ticket. my typing is not upto 30 words per minute . how can get the job, and i applied for ongole division ,is the exam conducted in that division or not ,please tell me . or message me on 9346607904. thank u,


why u did not achieve anything in sports


how much total salary i will get if i am selected in TNPSC Group -4?


Dear Sir/Madam, I am applying for the post of Engineering Assistant in Prasar Bharti which was dated in Employment news on 23-02-2013. I completed BSc (Maths, Electronics, ComputerScience).As they said i am eligible to Eng.Assistant post. But when i am trying to enroll my self in Part I Registration at the Qualification column it doesn't shows any Electronics group. It shows Electonics Engineering, Electrical Engineering. So, in these which one i have to pick to my Degree Qualification. Kindly reply me asap.


How do you perform under pressure ??


Explain about the political and economic issues in the American Revolution?


What will be the max. salary for multitasking staff in pay band 5200-20200 with grade pay 1800.