Government Interview Questions
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The most important event during the administration of Lord Canning was the: (a) suppression of the Thugs (b) abolition of the Sati (c) introduction of the Doctrine of Lapse (d) Sepoy Mutiny

4 6711

The Government of India was transferred from the hands of the East India Company to those of the British Crown during the viceroyalty of: (a) Lord Canning (b) Lord Elgin (c) Sir John Lawrence (d) Lord Mayo

1 3617

The policy of ?masterly Inactivity? with regard to Afghanistan was adopted by: (a) Lord Auckland (b) Lord Dalhousie (c) Lord Lawrence (d) Lord Mayo

2 6153

Entrance to the Indian Civil Service was made possible for the Indians by: (a) Lord Dalhousie (b) Lord Canning (c) Lord Lytton (d) Lord Ripon

2 7151

The Gandhi-Irwin pact was signed: (a) in March 1931 (b) after the First Round Table Conference (c) before the Second Civil Disobedience Movement (d) in London in the Round Table Conference

3 4796

Gandhiji went to England in 1931 to attend the: (a) First Round Table Conference (b) Second Round Table Conference (c) Session of the ?League of Oppressed Peoples? (d) Third Round Table conference

3 9543

The Act which provided for the establishment of an all-India federation was the : (a) Government of India Act in 1958 (b) Government of India Act in 1919 (c) Government of India Act in 1935 (d) Government of India Act in 1947

2 4734

Which one of the following first preached the ideas of Swadeshi and Boycott? (a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) Raja Rammohan Roy (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (d) Lala Lajpat Rai

2 4148

The elections under the Act of 1935 demonstrated that: (a) the new Act was unpopular (b) a large majority of Indian people supported the Congress (c) the Congress was bitterly against it (d) communal parties swept the polls in most provinces

1 2616

The congress ministries formed in 1937 could not change the basic character of the British administration in India, but the largest gain was: (a) political (b) social (c) psychological (d) emotional

1 3845

Subhash Chandra Bose resigned from the presidentship of the Congress in 1939 and founded the: (a) Communist Party (b) Congress Socilist Party (c) Forward Bloc (d) All India Kisan Sabha

1 3961

For securing home rule for Indians Mrs. Annie bezant started Home Rule Movement in: (a) 1905 (b) 1916 (c) 1911 (d) 1906

2 3327

The most significant contribution of the Karachi session of 1931 was the resolution it passed on: (a) poorna swaraj (b) the partition of the country (c) participation in the Round Table conference (d) fundamental rights and economic policy


1 13623

The participation of peasants in the freedom struggle helped in making it: (a) an all-India movement (b) more broad-based and extensive (c) a socialist movement (d) a movement in favour of Indian princes

1 2842

Under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, Indians fighting for independence learnt fighting for independence learnt that their conflict was with the British government and not with the: (a) British imperialism (b) British system (c) British people (d) British policy of subjugation

1 3382

Un-Answered Questions { Government }

Please send me last 5 year solved question papers of Canara Bank as well as Bank of Baroda to my e mail id


Hi, my interview for post of System Administrator in IBPS is scheduled for this Saturday. Please help me if any one knows how many rounds do they conduct for system Administrator and what type of technical and personal interview questions do they ask? Please help me with this. Thanks in advance


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I am a Casual Employee of Water Resources Department of Assam. I want to when we are convert to Regular post from Fixed pay employee. We are engaged in this deptt. before 1993.


if CT of 150/1 has been installed and energy meter of 150/5 is used. what will be the MF for this


I want to know if a person fail to give Form-H of CST what is replace of this can we collect 2% cst against "C" Form or full VAT? or any other penalty...


When will Pb & Haryana restorer exam held?


I am preparing RRB-kolkata for Goods Guard Exam. Previous or Model Exam papers please send me before 15.09.2010 in my e-mail id:


what you will do if police comes and arrests your father in charge of corruption??


what is your view about moral values


How do/did you get on with your schoolmates/college mates/workmates? What really brings out the best in you?


i need syllabus and previous year question papers for rrb section engineer in s&t department


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what does mean of npa in banking sector