Taxation Interview Questions
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What is the Penalty/Interest charges if non-payment before due date for IT,TDS,ADVANCE TAX,VAT,ST,EXCISE DUTY,PT,ST.PF,ESI?very urgent.

ABB, ABC, Jakson,

2 9733

Type of form use in sales Tax


If we issue a new sale invoice after issuing a Credit Note to the coustomer, for the previously issued sale invoice on which Central Sales Tax @2% was Paid previously,whether we will be liable to pay for charging the sales tax on new invoice and pay to the sales tax department.


if i sale goods on dt 30.06.09 but calcutta party received it on 07 july ,so the party issue to form C for which quarter

9 9317

How much in the inter state tax CST For the LPG Stove

1 3246

when will submitt the c form and what is the percentage?and also hearing details?

4 5451

What is the difference between vat scrutiny and vat assesement,what is required document for both.

3 13230

What is FBT? please guide me with the example

1 3497

If I want loan upto Rs.500000/- from bank. so how much capital show in my balancesheet. please help me.

1 3702

what is GST? please guide us? what is the rate liable for GST? and when GST is applied?

3 6246

We are generally give order to the printing company for printing our uniqe file,calender,sovenour,answer sheet,envelop etc, when company submite the bill it charge the bill includes vat@4%, so can we deduct the TDS on total invoice value or only cost amount (exclude the vat).

8 23439

How We know we are liable for Profession Tax liability. I have an optics shop & I want PT Number so what should i do?


I want PTR Number and I am working professionaly related documents i have but officer asked me to bring any business commencement proof. here,I have no business? so what proof i will give to him.


What doyou mean by assesment order? and for what purpose it will be passed?


Please guide us about Forms and where is it will use i.e.Form C, Form h, Form F. if other form has please guide us about of that Forms?


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Un-Answered Questions { Taxation }

Does the tax liability of an individual get affected due to his residential status? If yes, explain.


what is the ct-1 sale? if ct-1 bond is misplaced what is the procedure for applying for new bond.


i dont no what is tcs and tds what the use and how to calculate Tcs&Tds


what is cenvat credit? plz tell service tax interest rate and watz it procedure...


how to generate H-form and procedure for generate?


What is calculate of tds


how to pass service tax reverse charge entry pass in books




how to file returne?


Define assessment year.


if the goods are purchased against H Form, is there any specified time limit winthin which they should be exported?; if yes then wat is that limit?


Please guide us about Forms and where is it will use i.e.Form C, Form h, Form F. if other form has please guide us about of that Forms?


What do u mean by sales tax and who are sales tax practitioner ?


What is the procedure to take modvat and its form number


Should WCT deduct on Invoice where VAT charged but service tax not charged as service tax is not applicable to concern vendor (vendor gross income under 10Lacs)?