Software Interview Questions
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How system identifies the item category at the time of batch splits happen. For example; As per your configuration 9 batches has been determined. How systems identifing the item category for all this 9 batch splited item


4 8748

Hi all, iam new to informatica, can anyone tell me what is unit testing & how it is done? thank u

3 10934

what is the difference between onsite & client site?

1 9721

what is the difference between the SAS v8 and SAS v9?


7 23375

what is the SAS/ACCESS and SAS/CONNECT?

Accenture, iFlex, TCS,

9 32578

At what stage of the life cycle does testing begin?

6 8214

i heard that mainframe testing is diff from other environments & has lot of keyboard input????pl clarify my doubt & let me know in what way its diff??


How do we develop test scripts for manual testing?Can anyone explain me with an example . Thanks, Prasanna

8 19239

What is the difference between Cognos Reportnet features and Business Objects???

Airtel, IBM,


We are facing problem with the compatibilty of IE 7 and IE 6.We are calling a showModal window that is working fine in IE6 but with IE7 it opens a new Window and Data is not getting poputaled.In some pages it Gives an error "The webpage you are viewing is trying to Close the window.Do you want to close this window".

SAP Labs, TCS,

4 8956

what is the advantages of Vss?

5 16932

How would you deal with a bug that no one wants to fix? Both the SDE and his lead have said they won?t fix it?

CarrizalSoft Technologies, Microsoft,

9 18054

what is KT Session


8 89941

what is the business process,

2 6402

how dunning procedure will updated in Customer Master


6 18405

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

Explain what is the advantages data mining over traditional approaches?


What all details the assembly manifest will contain?


What are the functionalities available in the financial statement version?


Is swift object oriented?


What is masking?


Describe Internal CSS with it's Syntax?


What is the role of php.ini file?


What is LINQ to Sharepoint ?


There are some features to improve the performance of a Product. What are those factors?


What is deep linking in angular 2?


What is detailed category in configuration, and its use?


what is the use of data structures?


What is server-level principal?


What is the apex trigger in salesforce? : salesforce integration


How does qtp identify gui object?