Software Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Difference between image checkpoint and bitmap checkpoint

2 5531

what is descriptive.create()in qtp?

3 12475

how to merge object repositories?

4 8273

what is the Command used to start the QTp from Run.

7 9864

What does VBS file contain..? what is VBS file.?

4 6543

what is Unicode Compatibility ? HOw does this makes a diffrence from Winrunner.?

2 9306

what is Compile Module in QTP? what exactly it contains Functions or Actions?

1 6855

what is the Exact Meaning of Environment Variables?

Semantic Space,

2 5271

Tell me the QTP Advantages and Disadvatages ?

1 5451

How to get the column count and column name from the resultset in the database connection program?

6 10890

How to Test the mainframe application?(tell me few basic things)

3 7168

What is throw object?

1 5655

How will you handle the situation when object is not captured during record?

2 6618

What kind of errors can b handled in QTP in real time scenario?

1 5848

What is smart identification?

Ordain Solutions,

2 5127

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What is runtimebroker exe?


What is wordpress good for?


Explain what angular js routes does ?


What are the different ways of executing Pig script?


What is controller in laravel?


Is it possible to switch between recording modes during a test creation?


Where do we need to install connectivity software?


What are SPIDs?


When do we use dynamic cache and static cache in connected and unconnected lookup transformations? Difference between stop and abort


what is a database? : Sql dba


What is SAS? What are the functions does it performs?


hi I am in training of functional module, i am unable to understand what exactly use of IDOC,BAPI,DIM and BIM. As LSMW and BDC methods are used for data conversion from legacy to sap. Might be it is silly question. please explain me


How do you copy an object in python?


What does a data scientist do?


Please explain what is the difference between constants and read-only variables?