What is the relation between credit control area and company codes and explain the credit control area?
773What happens when a value is not entered for a manual and mandatory condition type and does a header condition type have an access sequence?
776How can a company's structure represent by defining and assigning corporate structure elements in r/3 system and what is the purpose of doing that?
809What is the central organization element in purchasing and the relationship between sales organization and plants, company codes, plants and company codes?
What is integrity?
How can we access the correction and transport system? : abap data dictionary
What is xml file format?
What is the WML Operators?
1. is it possible to use the cursor atttibutes (%found ,% rowcount , %isopen , %notfound ) to our user defined cursor names ....... cursor cursor_name is select * from scott.emp if you use... cursor_name%found , %rowcount ,%isopen,%notfound...will it work... -------------------------- 2.what is the difference between the varray and index by table .. -------- 3. type type_name is table of number(8,3) index by binary_integer; identifier_name type_name; first , last , prior , next ,trim are the methods we can use it for the above type...simillary is there any way to apply for cursors... with thanks and regards..sarao...
Mention how many types of queries DNS does?
Can r be used for machine learning?
How do you assign a value to a complex number 7 how has exception hand changed in .net framework 4.0?
How do clients handle dns requests to failed servers?
How much ram is needed for deep learning?
In order to compare two different gas samples, scientists use what is called the stp. What does stp stand for?
Under what circumstances would von use a while statement rather than for?
What is the difference between cshtml and aspx?
How do I use javascript to password-protect my web site?
What qualities would you like to see in your boss?