Software Interview Questions
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how to create view in bdc..??


What are critical issues you have faced in your project

NTT Data,


What are the major components of Ruby on Rails?


1 3041

In the below query i have performed the commit transaction statement but still the values after the save are not saved. Can you please let me know why are the statements after save are rolled back even after commiting the data. help me with the understanding declare @trans2 varchar(10)='transaction2' begin transaction @trans2 insert into emp values(100,'xy',600); save transaction @trans2 insert into emp values(200,'pq',700); insert into emp values(300,'pq',800); commit transaction @trans2 rollback tran @trans2


1 2820

What is the difference between unit testing and smoke testing

1 6037

what is difference between partner functions and bp roles


1 3489

Hi , which book should i refer to for preaparing SAS statistical Exam. Searched a lot on books but still did n't find relevant books

2 3283

If you have a report with list and cross tab in the same page. How do you restrict one user can see only the list and the other user can see both.


4 8249

how to remote log in to a system A to system B ,execute commands in it and collect the log in system A from B using TCL script??  

Global Edge, Sandvine,

1 4807

Which scripting language is better among TCL Perl and Python and why? 


1 3874

I have 1 basic list and 9 secondary list in interactive report. If i am in 5th list, how can i come directly to the basic list?

2 8077

What is system testing? when we use system testing in our project?

Infosys, NSS,

2 7548

Black box Testing


5 7292

What tool do you use in mobile testing?


1 3425

What is the sdlc? what is the mannual tester roles? Write test case............? Sqlquerries...? How many test cases do you write down  perday.........?

2 5462

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What is entitymanager flush?


What is difference between system.string and system.stringbuilder classes?


Hi, We developed a webpage using jsp for our team, now we need to know who are employees opening this page,i.e, we need to get the windows user name when ever he/she open the page and stores into a variable. Plz help on this


What are the tools used for backup and ticketing?


What are the types of methodology?


Is India a developed, developing or an under developed country?


Explain configuration management?


What two hardware considerations should be au important part of the planning process for a windows server 2008 deployment?


What is the difference between spring framework and spring boot? : Spring Boot


What is the difference between varchar and varchar(max) datatypes?


What are the 3 types of comments in c#?


Explain various adders and difference between them?


What is meant by url in internet?


Kindly Help for this Below Scenario, I am going to implement Power BI into our internal software. I’m familiar with the fact that each user can pay $9.99 a month to build and view reports but what I need to know is how can we embed Power BI into our application so that any users that log into our application can see the reports without the monthly fee. I’ve researched enough that it can be done. What I am not familiar with is how to do it or the pricing of embedding it into an application. I think they do pricing on how many renders you do or something. Would you be able to look into how we could embed it into our software and the cost?


What is the current version of windows server?