what is the difference between core & shell type transformer ?& where we use those transformers ?
10 44140Post New BNCET Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
what is program data insulation in dbms?
How do you simulate the explain of an embedded sql statement in spufi/qmf?
What are the safety devices of boiler?
Do you know what is sql injection?
If you had two products and had to ask one question of users to determine which they preferred more, what would you ask?
Write a program to check prime number in c programming?
What is the minimum value of tv in msa to calculate r&r?
What are the different features of analytic views in sap hana?
What are disadvantages of powerpoint?
hi friends, dis is ramana reddy.i have been workining in bulk drugs as QC chemist.i would like 2 change d company.i want sample RESUME,OFFER LETTER,APPOINTMENT LETTER,PAY SLIP.if any body has these documents,pls send 2 my mail id i.e ramanareddy.sdpl@ymail.com
Can r be used for machine learning?
Explain ~/documents, ~/library, ~/tmp. What directory is ~ on ios?
Does anyone have any good examples of some acceptance criteria for non-functional requirements?
Explain sneakernet?
Explain few disadvantages of response caching?