how to perform security testing manualy.I given the answer but interviwer not satisfeid from my answer
5 14650Post New Honeywell Manual Testing Interview Questions
What is activex control in vb?
Can we cache files which are viewed frequently?
What are cursors and when they are useful?
Do we need to migrate agent schedule to other environments?
What is an example of strong artificial intelligence?
What is the difference between having and a where in sql?
How to run executables created in Kylix?
how can you select rexcord(rows) from table A which is not present in Table B . Id being the FK in Table B referencing to ID Table A
What is the difference between stalling and surging in rotary compressions ?
What are the various tools? Explain name a few?
Difference in classes and structures in swift?
What is the use of string function substr(string,position) in AWK?
Explain what is the use of defpararm?
what is the difference b/w gain and profit?
How would you describe the orientation of the ligands around the zr center in the homogeneous zirconium catalyst? : Polymer Chemistry