why we use partner function in so many places.like in customer master, sales activities, maintain customer record etc.
1 5839Post New ATP Interview Questions
What is array and arraylist in java?
Explain integrity constraints?
What are collection pools?
How will you explain homestead in laravel?
Hi, Can somebody help me to know whether WCT MVAt is applicable on catering service, if the caterer is uses his own material and labour for doing cooking in our premises and later the product is sold in the same premises for the employees. Kinldy advice whether WCT will be deducted on this.
What is the use of servletconfig interface?
what are domain specific configuration files in itnm?
What can you use as an alternative to join?
how to determine Sq.mm size of finolex power cables.
-What do you think about unit testing? -How do you assure quality of the code you release? -How do you release software?
Differentiate between Dofollow and Nofollow?
What is a ngmodule?
What is the xhtml?
In a synchronous motor. if start is running at high speed. What will be the starting torque : Higher Lower Zero
How is SQL statement processed in SAP HANA?