What is the difference between Array and Arraylist?
What is overfitting and underfitting?
What you know about random port?
How many types of arrays are there in visual basic?
How do asp pages work?
What is the purpose of starting air?
Tell me is it possible to use custom pixel shader in xna?
List some features of classes in typescript?
what is diff c#and vb.net what is .net framework 3.5 what is webservice with expmles
types of receipts and detail desription about recipts and tables effected by receipts?
What all methods are used to prevent thread execution ?
what is the recruitment process in BPOs?
What is difference between inproc and outproc?
#define f(g,h) g##h main O int i=0 int var=100 ; print f ("%d"f(var,10));} wat would be the output??
What are catalog tables in db2?