What is center gravity load in substation?
Why are migrations important?
I want my class to be developed in such a way that no other class (even derived class) can create its objects. How can I do so?
How is energy transferred along a food chain?
How to use stored procedures in laravel?
State some criteria and their effects of a database?
Explain file handling?
Define ‘WhatID' and 'WhoID'.
Differentiate between beanfactory and applicationcontext.
What is the difference between gettype and typeof in c#?
What is the use of ADD to RECEIPT FILED in receipt localized? Then how to performing in SOURCE TYPE INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL?
How the webserver handles multiple requests for the same action class(struts) concurrently?
Can you define ppt and what are its uses?
Explain testing?
How would you make use of ngoninit()?