How many websites are there?
Do you know what is recursion? Is it possible for a stored procedure to call itself or recursive stored procedure? How many levels of sp nesting is possible?
List out main components of ember.js?
What is stop band?
What are the functional areas? User groups? and how does ABAP query work in relation to these?
What do we need to check in database testing?
What are the cases why parameterization is necessary when load testing the Web server and the database server?
What would you do with an "in-doubt" distributed transaction?
How to preserve filamentous fungi in distilled water ?
What is commit?
what is the exact dia of 8swg and 10swg gabion wire
What is the format of LO data sources?
Is there any rule to select the voltage of motor based on KW rating? What is the rating above which lt motor becomes the HT motor?.
What are the various types of views?
What are the advantages of using business objects?