Why xslt is used?
Have you used apache camel with spring?
Which function in r language is used to find out whether the means of 2 groups are equal to each other or not?
What is in a script?
What do you like and dislike about the products or services you’re selling now and why?
What are the various incentives and concessions available to SSIs?
Explain few features of laravel?
When a project is being performed under contract, the product description is provided by which of the following? A. The buyer B. The project sponsor C. The project manager D. The contractor
What is c mainly used for?
Mention what is the difference between soql and sosl?
What happens when multiple applications open multiple tcp connections?
What is delegate in objective c?
What is a ‘bom’?
what are the advantages of JTA over JTS?
What are the characteristics of an ideal op-amp.