What is dalvik virtual machine?
Is eclipse written in java?
what are set operators in sql? : Sql dba
Explain the terms links and symbolic links with respect to unix?
Max relax-able permission value with out giving write permission to others?
you have same applications (same server configaration)A&B you are doing nonfunctionality testing . what they differ in?
where are auto variables stored? What are the characteristics of an auto variable?
What is refs?
Why is arraylist used?
How do you administer Connection Pooling in IIS 3.0?
Explain why is post-weld heat treatment (stress relieving) sometimes necessary for welded vessels?
What are the different types of trading that exist?
What should I know about the zend framework cla before submitting it?
Can we create production order without bom and routing ?
What do you mean by service manager in zend framework 2?