Can a sales order have multiple pricing procedure.can each line item have its own different pricing procedure
1 4098Post New Alstom SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Interview Questions
Define and explain about progress?
What is a rank transform?
What is difference between local variable and global?
What is dot notation?
There are some features to improve the performance of a Product. What are those factors?
What is meant by 4th dimension?
What is the automation anywhere metabot, taskbot, and workflow file extension?
Elaborate the situation where automation testing can’t be used for agile methods?
What are the Formatting and Printing Strings available in PHP?
Define about property-map-decisiontree method?
If told during my second c section that i had a ruptured uterus would i have been able to walk in that morning pain free for my planned operation .Please i am confused
Does objective-c contain private strategies?
What do you use powerpoint for?
Is treeset sorted in java?