What is Percentage impedence of a transformer? why it is expressed at a percentage? what is the importance of percentage impedence in case of a transformer?
1521Post New Haldia Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
Please explain what is mvc and why do we use it?
Can localstorage be hacked?
If a highly positively skewed variable has missing values and we replace them with mean, do we underestimate or overestimate the values?
How do you autosum in excel on a mac?
What is dao tool?
How do I read command-line arguments with Perl?
Can we extend sealed class in c#?
can inline function declare in private part of class?
Are there any problems which can only be solved by MapReduce and cannot be solved by PIG? In which kind of scenarios MR jobs will be more useful than PIG?
what is the difference between cdma and gsm
Implement two stacks using a single array.
What happens when you execute the statement mango=banana in python?
How you will create rounded corners using css3?
By when will you perform major version updates in elastic beanstalk?
What is transistor?