i m a fresher searching job from july..i ve faced this question "what did u do for the past two months?"
7 15708Post New Yesh Interview Questions
How do you restart microsoft word?
Did you work on Transportation,what are the major settings for the transportation ?
Can I add more than one .xaml pages in silverlight application?
What programming language does SharePoint use?
What do you mean by abstract class?
What activities are supported in xa transaction ?
How many types of commands are there in linux?
How do you flip axis in excel 2016?
What is the default value of byte datatype in java?
what are dds required for subfile?
What is time_t c++?
What is the procedure to applying patches?
How do I run windows easy transfer on windows xp?
how can calculate 1kva generator running time in 1 liter keroscene
What is Differnce between html.action and ajax.action?