Differentiate between aws and openstack?
how will you check whether software is installed or not?
How are documents accessed and manipulated in xml?
Int map to which .net types?
How to search for descendant elements that match the specified selectors using ?
Describe a situation where you successfully communicated complex neurological information to a child's parent or guardian.
What is the return on investment (roi) justification?
Define Primary page and its benefits?
What are the default cell margins of a table?
What type of loop is a for loop?
What is turnover velocity?
hi, is compulsory .net knowledge need for biztalk server training. if need, how far?.tell me some info abt real time instructors in hyd or other?
Clarify what a task tracker is in hadoop?
How can you clone a git repository via jenkins?
Explain the typical elements of a process image?