What is the difference between Temporary table variable and a Table variable? Or Which Table variable I should use inside Stored procedure?
3 7681Post New Techastrum SQL Server Interview Questions
How to test iBackup and storage products?
Is it possible for a company to have positive cash flow but be in serious financial trouble?
How does mysql store dates?
State the difference between delete and delete[].
Is the gravitational pull on an object equalized if the object is at the centre of a planet, i.e. Surrounded by the mass of the planet, which is creating the gravity?
Mention one advantage and disadvantage of using quadratic probing?
What is data analysis?
Can you still use windows 7 after 2020?
Is a value in a list excel?
What are all the difference between iOS3, iOS4 and iOS5?
How to list all user accounts in oracle?
What is the difference between various react component lifecycle methods?
Can you explain the various elements of function points ftr, ilf, eif, ei, eo, eq, and gsc?
5. What are the tests you are conducting through winrunner?
What does mongodb mean?