What are the mapping paramaters and maping variables?
What is php and its features?
Name the five phases that come under MultiLoad Utility.
Explain the race around condition? : .NET Architecture How can it be overcome? : .NET Architecture
Why do we use roles?
Why do you want to join Ittiam?
What optimization could I use if the ejb container is the only point of write access to the database?
Tell me what is memristor? How many modes it works? Also what is its advantage? How it differ from others & why the name evolve? & What is its uses?
Define left-in threaded tree?
Is it possible that users can prevent copying of the cell from any self-made worksheet?
Tell me what is interrupt latency?
What do you mean by e-r model & object-oriented model?
Leakage current,un balance current which relay using for high voltage transmission?
What are the dmvs?
What is Access at the Role Level?