10. Each alphabet stands for one digit in the following multiplication. T H I S x I S --------- X F X X X X U X ------------ X X N X X ------------ What is the maximum value T can take?
4 11828Post New Verchaska Interview Questions
What was microsoft's first operating system?
Why spring boot is used for microservices? : Spring Boot
What is the difference between
If I can absorb 9,000 lux of sunlight in the bottom of a pool what will the temp rise be per hour, per square foot of absorbing material, per gallon be? Temp of pool deck 115 degrees, water temp 75 degrees, 120,000 lux on the pool deck
What is h:message tag in jsf (javaserver faces)?
Which is the base class for all the classes in .net framework?
What will happen if the d.c. Shunt motor opened accidentally running on no-load has its shunt field winding?
"What are the common constrains that we need to consider when we prepare testcases for ASP application". Thanks in Advance...
How do in-process communication work in the common language runtime?
Define the term directory?
Why is middleware important?
Tell us about your extra- curricular activities?
What is wave picking?
What is the impact of networking on healthcare?
If you want to output the results to the log file .. How to do?