What is difference between GenericServlet and HttpServlet?
why SELECT clause comes after FROM clause in LINQ?
What is an ocx?
Would You Please Explain Unearned Income?
Which of the following processes serve as inputs to each other? A. Executing and Controlling B. Planning and Executing C. Planning and Controlling D. Executing and Initiation
In the servlet 2.4 specification singlethreadmodel has been deprecated, why?
What is the difference between approval process and workflow rules ?
Name any two economical factors affecting the entrepreneurial development
In HTML 5 we do not need DTD why?
where we cannot use sorter Transformation. if we use then we will not get correct data?
Enlist all Apache Kafka Operations?
How do I do a whois search?
Why zlib is used in node js?
Define what is stepstatusgood, stepstatusfail rules?
what is the most difficult thing about working with you?