I just want to maintain data like an employee can belongs to 3 or more departments . We can resolve this by using composite key but it avoids normalization rules. So Can anyone tell me how can I maintain data.
Why is hibernate used in java?
Which technology does Pentium use - RISC or CISC?
What are the browsers that can access asp pages?
What is concatenation in excel?
Objects or references which of them gets garbage collected?
What are the benefits of using queries?
What is data adapter in c#?
What is Node.js? What is it used for?
What method is used to draw an image using canvas?
What are global variables? How are these variable declared and what are the problems associated with using them?
Is there a switch..case statement in python?
Why different types of sound are produced in different bikes though they are run on Si engine
What is typescript? What is the need for it in angular2?
What does a derived class inherit from a base class a) Only the Public members of the base class b) Only the Protected members of the base class c) Both the Public and the Protected members of the base class d) .c file