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What are the duplex contracts in wcf?
Why do we use view in sql?
take an array with -ve and +ve value both.find out the nearest value of 0(zero).if two values are same like(-2 and +2)then extract +2 is nearest of 0(zero).
Can you explain the working philosophy of Django?
if you are rsm of any repoted company and also you are manage all activity of that company ,how could you manage cost and show profit?
Why can't I see my header in word?
how to extract pin_code,phone_number,year from text file using regular expressions in perl
It is possible to assign a local data object defined in a subroutine or function module to a field group. State true or false. : abap modularization
Does word 2016 have speech to text?
What is silktest project?
Do we use stored procedure in ADO.Net?
What are different warehouse process types in sap ewm system?
What are the different stake holders in supply chain process?
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What are finishes? Write on basic finishes given to textile fabrics?