in 100 cft = 1350 bricks in 100 cft = ? bloks
why northern arizona university
What is the default font style?
What is bind variable in oracle 11g?
What are the annotation used in spring?
Planning is looking ahead and control is looking back command
Tell me is it posible to access more than one database at a single siebel application?
How do you tally data in excel?
What is null in javascript?
Which class is used to handle exceptions?
Explain dual table. Is any data internally stored in dual table. Lot of users is accessing select sysdate from dual and they getting some millisecond differences. If we execute select sysdate from emp; what error will we get. Why?
How many types of methods are there in c#?
Which algorithm in ‘unification and lifting’ takes two sentences and returns a unifier?
What is the role of document manager in oracle purchasing?
How do you make all formatting the same in word?