What is difference between MS and Tor steel ?? Please ellobrate...or state its charactersitcs??
4 73054Post New TOR Interview Questions
Why gold is added to the p-n junction?
What is using clause and give example?
Explain and brief about rapid application development tool?
Mention what is the use of the static resource in salesforce?
What are policies classes?
Which is better typescript or javascript?
Can we load binary extension dynamically?
What is meant by running clearance?
How are the features of c++ different from c?
Explain resistivity?
How delete [] is different from delete?
Give an example of one address microprocessor?
Explain expressions in angularjs?
Can you change the data type of a column in a table after the table has been created? If so, which command would you use?
When you look at a Cisco switch like Cisco 2950, why are the ports labeled with an 'X' behind the number? Like 1x, 2x.....23x, 24x, and what does it mean when there is no 'X'?