Where do I put dll files windows 7?
Why is ram also known as volatile memory?
2. What are the advantages of your present job, things you like about it?
On a windows server 2003 active – passive failover cluster, how do you find the node which is active?
What are the scopes available in
What are the differences between static, public and void in c#?
What is the default Unit and Functional Testing Framework for Play? What is the default Build Tool for Play? What is the Default Template Engine for Play? What is the built-in Web Server available in Play Framework?
What are the types of arrays in c?
We define business rules peoplecode on?
What is the difference between public, protected and private?
How do I find my incoming and outgoing mail server in outlook?
How do you open a cluster administrator? : sql server DBA
How many types of functions are there in c?
whats the existence of reactive power and when it arises?
What is the subcontracting cycle?