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Systech Informatica Interview Questions
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what is service oriented architecture in Informatica 8 version

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Systech Informatica Interview Questions

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State syntax of the command to drop an index?


What is css value?


What are the benefits of using jenkins?


I am inpecting a 10kVA UPS what tests should i do and should i observe?


A banker has a seif with a cipher. Not to forget the cipher, he wants to write it coded as following: each digit to be replaced with the difference of 9 with the current digit. The banker chose a cipher. Decipher it knowing the cipher starts with a digit different than 9. I need to write a program that takes the cipher from the keyboard and prints the new cipher. I thought of the following: Take the input from the keyboard and put it into a string or an array. Go through the object with a for and for each digit other than the first, substract it from 9 and add it to another variable. Print the new variable. Theoretically I thought of it but I don't know much C. Could you give me any kind of hint, whether I am on the right track or not?


what key differences enable some online advertising campaigns to invest with more flexibility without a predetermined budget in mind?


How we can get the geographical location of the user in html5?


In what ways Scala is better than other programming language?


design of a dust collector?


If the user's operating system does not support the needed character, how can the symbol be represented?


How do I turn off solver in excel?


How do I split a table in half in word?


What is the use of defining cloud architecture? : cloud computing architecture


Explain what is the role of single sign on in authentication technologies?


What do you mean by vtable and vptr in c++?