what is the difference between three point staret &four point starter
What is the difference between passing by reference and passing a reference?
write a program to print the consecutive repeated character from the given string... input string is : hhhhjkutskkkkkggggj output should be like this: hhhhkkkkkgggg anyone help me...
How many methods are there in the externalizable interface?
What is encapsulation in oop?
According to you, what is the amazing aspect of an inside sales job ?
Which instance varieties support by enhanced monitoring?
What is large function in excel?
what are the fiber losses,How to rectify it?
10 bit A/D converters,the quantization error in % is??
Tell me about a situation where you showed determination?
How to send a sms to a mobile through mainframe vm’s?
What is a binary step function?
pls send me the syllabus questions on rrb section engineer (telecom)
What is a singleton class in Java?