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What requirements does a company need to comply with before accepting the deposits?
Suppose I lost a root password and I need to give it, I treid to change it through single usermode even though I am not get a password, then what is the otherprocedure to give a root password?
write a program to print the consecutive repeated character from the given string... input string is : hhhhjkutskkkkkggggj output should be like this: hhhhkkkkkgggg anyone help me...
How to calculate KVA/VA rating of PT or CT from primary & secondary voltage or primary & secondary current?
Why do you want to work for Edward Jones?
What is the benefit of spring boot? : Spring Boot
Define BPL?(explain in terms of numerical values-refer to planning commission website)
How many types of string data types are there?
Which field is used to define the user’s default shell?
what is the use of include_once in php?
How do you insert a quadratic equation into word?
Can I create a website with Python?
Is codeigniter a good framework?
How can data item set as global variable or what are local and global variables in bp?
How to create SQL queries with SQL Builder?