why we use one step and two step in STO. please explain end to end sto process .Don't explain the configuration only process how it starts and where it ends
2 14550Post New Fujitsu SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Interview Questions
Why is python oop?
What is the use of “for update” in soql?
What's Selling gold coins,insurance,mutual funds?
what is the process of creating quotation using BAPIs.
What is the main difference between @requestparam and @pathvariable annotation?
How does unix file system work?
What is difference between Process and Thread?
What is the first function that gets loaded from a controller?
Explain boxing and unboxing in c#?
What is a database function in excel?
What does auto sync do on android?
Explain in detail about what is Universal Web Adapter?
Is windows unix?
How important is it for you to have a career at Nestle?
How can you increase the allowable number of simultaneously open files?