What is difference between masterpage and user control, what is the objective of master page when we had user control in .NET 1.1 version
3 11733Post New Soham Interview Questions
When was wpf introduced?
Is php required for wordpress?
What is trigger frame?
what is quality factor in series resonance circuit and calculate the factor of voltage magnification? how it happens?
I have done my Summer internship project on Option greek (delta,gamma ,vega ,theta and rho)by using black schole calculator plus i have done calculation on VIX so what type of question can be asked to me by interviewer plzzzzzzzzzz do answer me i need help.........
Dear Sir, Tomorrow i am going for interview at TCS-Mumbai.Please let me know what kind of question are going to be asked.
What are the delegate?
Explain spring batch architecture.
Define an isomer?
What do you understand by sdd and frq?
What is sql constant?
Why do you want to work with iNautix?
Define level of the tree?
Any idea of Kyoto Protocol Issue?
What is a helper method in c#?