Tell me something about your favorite movie? Tell me something about your favorite colour? Tell me what u did yesterday? This are question which frequently asked by interviewrs,so if you know please post with correct answers and i rquest you to guys dont make fun of it, it may help anyone who ready this question to get there jobs.
25 433972Post New SLK Call Centre AllOther Interview Questions
What is the relation between a controlling area and a company code?
How to get rid of contamination in stable transfected cells?
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Explain updating drupal?
Is typescript a programming language?
Explain what is message catalog?
In which event of the page life cycle, is the viewstate available?
What is Grid floor and mention its advantages ?
Mention the two types of Relational Data stored in HANA?
Tell us what selenium components do you know?
How does nifi support huge volume of payload in a dataflow?
Discuss something on any topic of your interest for one minute.
What is an explicit wait in selenium?
Explain how should I upgrade from exchange 5.5 to exchange 2003?
Is mysql a server?