1. What is Connection Pooling…? 2. Maintaining Sessions in ASP.NET 3. ASP.NET page lifecycle. 4. Can we store objects in sessions. 5. What is AJAX..? 6. Serialization/Deserialization. Why we use serialization and Deserialization…? 7. What are Arrays and Arraylist..? 8. Difference between Authentication and Authorization…? 9. Difference between abstract class and Interfaces 10. What is a view..? Does a view contain data..? 11. What are triggers..? 12. What are transactions..? 13. What is Metaview (oracle)..? 14. What is Inheritance..? How can we call a method from the base class..? 15. Can an abstract class have zero abstract methods..? 16. How to read from Message Queue..? 17. What is Metadata..? 18. You would prefer to have business logic in c# or DB Side..? Why…?
1 6925Post New Franklin Templeton ASP.NET Interview Questions
how do I identify the network interfaces on my server?
What is a lightweight component?
How tables are managed in apache tajo?
Is nodejs faster than python?
What are the different types of database users?
Why are increases in accounts receivable a cash reduction on the cash flow statement?
How mahout used with python ?
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How you read 5x3x1 #4 @ 20" 0/C in steel structure?
Suppose I have a pf,it contains 5 members,how to access particular member data from logical file ?and what is the use of member in pf?
Name the three aquatic mammals?
How to insert a new row into a table in oracle?
What is the use of dialect?
Brief about finger username?
What is spring security?